Friday, May 15, 2009

Catching up with developments ... 1.9.82

I've been lax in the blogging - too much to do, too little time - but will try and catch up.

The latest release includes a fix to allow winstl::findfile_sequence - a facade over the FindFirstFile/FindNextFile API to be used with std::copy and the IOStreams, as in:

#include <stlsoft/iterators/ostream_iterator.hpp>
#include <winstl/filesystem/findfile_sequence.hpp>

#include <iostream>

#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
typedef winstl::findfile_sequence seq_t;

{  // 1. enumerate all contents (except dots dirs)

seq_t  entries("*.*");

std::cout << "\n1:\n";
std::copy( entries.begin(), entries.end()
, stlsoft::ostream_iterator<seq_t::value_type>(std::cout, "\t", "\n"));

{ // 2. enumerate all contents (including dots dirs)

seq_t  entries("*.*", seq_t::includeDots);

std::cout << "\n2:\n";
std::copy( entries.begin(), entries.end()
, stlsoft::ostream_iterator<seq_t::value_type>(std::cout, "\t", "\n"));

{  // 3. enumerate all files, displaying only the relative path

seq_t  files("*.*", seq_t::files | seq_t::relativePath);

std::cout << "\n3:\n";
std::copy( files.begin(), files.end()
, stlsoft::ostream_iterator<seq_t::value_type>(std::cout, "\t", "\n"));

{  // 4. enumerate all directories

seq_t  directories("*.*", seq_t::directories);

std::cout << "\n4:\n";
std::copy( directories.begin(), directories.end()
, stlsoft::ostream_iterator<seq_t::value_type>(std::cout, "\t", "\n"));

{  // 5. enumerate all files beginning with 'f' and with either extension .h or .hpp

seq_t  files("f*.h|f*.hpp", '|', seq_t::files);

std::cout << "\n5:\n";
std::copy( files.begin(), files.end()
, stlsoft::ostream_iterator<seq_t::value_type>(std::cout, "\t", "\n"));

{  // 6. enumerate all .exe files in the windows directory and all dlls in the system directory that begin with 'm', skipping any hidden files

seq_t  files("C:\\windows", "*.exe;system32/m*.dll", ';', seq_t::files | seq_t::skipHiddenFiles);

std::cout << "\n6:\n";
std::copy( files.begin(), files.end()
, stlsoft::ostream_iterator<seq_t::value_type>(std::cout, "\t", "\n"));


/* ///////////////////////////// end of file //////////////////////////// */

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